Weapon & Gun Charges

Weapon and gun charges can be devastating on your criminal record and carry the possibility of extended prison sentences.

Tampa’s criminal law firm of de la Grana | Boardman have inside knowledge and experience navigating Florida’s criminal justice system. The criminal attorneys at de la Grana | Boardman were formerly a State Prosector and a Public Defender, and will represent you in state or federal court against allegations of weapons and gun charges.

Remember that some weapon and gun crimes carry minimum sentencing requirements. If you are convicted of a gun charge, you be forced to serve at least 3 extra years in prison. Secure a knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney immediately.

Typical Gun Charges:

  • Possession of a Firearm – it is a crime in Florida if a convicted felon
  • Carrying a Concealed Weapon without a permit
  • Improper Exhibition of Firearms or Dangerous Weapons

No matter what kind of charge you face, a Tampa criminal defense attorney from de la Grana | Boardman can assist in eliminating the charge or reaching a plea bargain.


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